When you are after good information, it takes more effort. There is more of a process in thinking and evaluating the sources and material. Still, this can be a semi-passive involvement where you are just searching for and collecting bits of information. Storing it away like a squirrel for later use.
There is some effort involved in reaching out to find and get it, but there doesn't have to be much internal involvement at this stage. Things change when you're ready to turn information into knowledge.
To create knowledge out of information, you have to use more of yourself. You have to stir the pot of awareness with your internal energy. This is what you feel when you are excited about something and really into it. This is passion.
This is the second secret of creating success. Passionate Involvement.
This internal energy, your passion for what you love to do, is responsible for focusing your attention and extending your awareness sufficiently to enable you to assemble knowledge out of information.
You stay engaged with your focus and you have sufficient energy to do this for an extended period. Think of Albert Einstein.
So, the next secret of creating success is concentration.
You link your passionate involvement with unwavering concentration.
The application of concentrated awareness results in cognition. This fancy word means understanding. You understand what you are looking at without having to ask someone else. Imagine that!
The act of concentrating the mind on one thing has extraordinary affects. In modern quantum physics it is well understood that you can't take the observer out of the equation. The very act of looking changes the outcome. The power of the mind has an affect when it is focused on something.
At the next level of concentrated awareness, the alchemical process of integration begins. Now pay attention:
This is when the Law of Attraction starts to work.....
Do you understand? Things begin to flow to you, instead of away from you.
This is called integration. It means bringing things together.
The opposite is differentiation, which means to break apart. This is the state of our minds normally. We split and break-up everything we look at. Everything we see is separate from everything else. Everything is moving away and getting harder to reach. Nothing is within our grasp... All we see are the parts, never the whole. That's differentiation.
Integration, which comes naturally from concentrated awareness, stops and reverses the flow of everything away from us. We begin to see things starting to get better. We're not as unhappy, we're even noticing that all of our luck isn't bad. Wow, maybe there's hope!
This process of integration, if continued, brings all the elements together to form a more complete picture. A mosaic of all the bits of information we have stored on any particular subject.
When magic has stitched together all of the pieces into a whole for us, we have a puzzle turned into a beautiful picture. Let me be clear, this is real magic. This is the real law of attraction.
So, knowledge is attracted. You see, knowledge is not about being an expert in one subject, it is about knowing that subject with all its relationships. All of the things that it affects and are effected by it.
You are an expert when you can predict what will happen under any situation. Experts are highly prized for this ability.
Knowledge is not possible without concentration. What separates people who recite information from those who are experts, is concentration. The ability to focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else.
That focus can be on one object or idea. To have knowledge about something means to have many information streams that converge on the center, which is an object or subject you want to know about. This all-at-once characteristic comes in small steps. The more you use it, the more use-full it is. However, at every stage you can benefit from the effort.
You can get great benefit from just a little, and in fact most things that take up our time in everyday life don't really require a lot of concentration. You can start where you are and develop it by practice. In time it will become real for you.
The one crucial thing that you MUST do is start trusting what you see. A sign of the beginning of knowledge is the awareness that some of the things you see aren’t obvious to your friends and family. Luckily, you can explain it to them.
When you reach the point in your life when you are really motivated to succeed, your passion can be channeled by your concentration to begin the integration process. You stop the leaks in the boat and start attracting knowledge.
Perhaps it has occurred to you that this was exactly what napoleon Hill was talking about in his book titles The Law of Success. Precisely!
This is how the Law of Success (Attraction) begins. It's activated with your mind!
Now you can begin to accumulate the knowledge which will become the tools you use to transform your world into what you deeply and passionately desire.
Part 3 of the Creating Success Trilogy will be on Transforming Knowledge into the Tools Used For Creating Success.
Ron Pettell 2011-2018
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