Knowledge must be attained before attempting to create techniques to apply them. This is an internal process and development.
This is not the most common way of going about it. Usually people jump into trying techniques with the belief that by using them they will become successful. The outcome is only partially successful at best and temporary. If it does produce positive results, it still lacks any feeling of success. This is the reason that so many people that have made a lot of money lead depressed lives.
When we create knowledge first, we change the dynamics totally. We become successful internally, which then magnetically draws us to the best techniques and solutions. We are attracted to and attract what we are supposed to be doing. We are passionate and attract those things that sustain and enhance our passion. Our lives become totally transformed because we attract what we are. Then the results of our efforts make us successful people and not just people who can do a few things well.
When we apply knowledge we engage the external. This creates an active connection between our inner and outer realities. We have developed a constant contact with knowledge and extend it to the world around us. We use the absolutely essential skill of concentration to maintain this awareness.
Success is a biological imperative dictated by the spiritual element deep inside each of us. Without realizing the process, we are compelled to search for our true nature, which is perfection. The exact meaning varies from person to person, but the goal is the same. We intuitively know that there is something more, something great inside of us. By using concentration, we can penetrate to our true nature and make it a part of our awareness. You can call it spirit, life force, chi, motivation or any other term you are comfortable with, but it is the same energy that sustains all life and gives momentum to our search for success, happiness and love.
This is what you get when you attract all possible information about the subject or task at hand and understand its meaning. The meaning part is something the universe presents to us as a gift when we learn to concentrate the mind. We see all the parts and the meaning “dawns” on us.
Focused concentration activates inspiration! A direct link with the universe opens up and universal intelligence flow in.
The 3 critical skills of Creating Knowledge are:
Concentration + Passion + Sustained Effort
1. Concentration
It enables us to look with great clarity at the task at hand without being distracted. We can examine something from every aspect and look at every detail. When we learn concentration we have the ability to focus on our own thoughts, desires and reactions. We can then be selective in the way we think and act. In this way we begin to have control and decide what we want and don’t want.
2. Passion
Passion is the energy we need to stay focused. It’s a total body sensation. We feel excited, we’re energized. It is much easier to stay focused if we are passionate about what we are doing.
3. Sustained Effort
Sustained effort is what makes us great at concentrating. It’s a skill that gets better with use. The longer we can sustain it, the more focused we become.
Applying Knowledge
We take knowledge and direct it.
The ability to apply knowledge depends on our level of concentration. Any amount of concentration will enable us to do things. Training ourselves will enable us to do things well and prevent us from making mistakes. Our personal relationships will benefit from the ability to be more aware of the wants and needs of those around us.
When we have knowledge, we connect to the most efficient techniques and methods. We determine what we want to accomplish, study it, learn what we don’t know and then put it to use. We are in control. We are not just responding to what life puts in our path. We know what we need and find out what it will take to achieve it. Then we do it until it is achieved.
Once we have reached this stage, we have or can easily get the information we need to solve problems. Concentration enables us to be very selective and discriminating in the information we use. The result is always good. We feel good about ourselves and this encourages us to try new things and energizes us more and more each time we do.
Our intuition at this stage has been activated and we get hunches. They turn out to be true and we’re elated. We trust it more and more and we’re energized even further. Once this process gains traction, it is unstoppable. We know what we know and people can’t talk us out of it. We have proof. Our energy level has increased because we are paying more attention to things that turn us on. We’re having a great day!
The most successful people are the ones who can focus completely on what they love. They have total absorption with white-hot concentration combined with the next critical element of applying knowledge and creating success; love.
When we have the feeling of passion, connection, of doing the right thing, it really is the beginning stage of love. If we do it long enough, we discover it is very much like being in a personal love affair. It has all of the sensations and emotions of being in love with a person. We feel all the care and tenderness that we might share with that person and want only the best for them. We want to care for them and be with them always. This is exactly what it feels like to love what we do with that white-hot passion. We don’t care about the outcome; we just want to do what we love. And you know that what we do will be successful.
We started out thinking that we were just doing something pleasing. We discover that it was the beginning of a love affair as deep as any personal relationship. We have opened our hearts.
Our hearts are the door to the Universe. On a personal and cosmic level this is how we connect. This is the sense organ that enables us to feel other people and the world around us. It is also the gateway for people and the universe to connect with us.
All of our feeling, all good comes through the heart. All the things that enrich, sustain and uplift come through the heart. Everything that makes us feel good and alive comes through the heart. The language of the Universe is Love.
When we use our concentration skills with love, we have unlimited energy and divine wisdom at our disposal. This is because what we create through the heart returns to us magnified. By opening our heart we allow wisdom to enter along with all the energy we need. We will never get tired of doing what we love.
Sustaining this in all our activities will produce personal wisdom. When we align ourselves with cosmic intention, we have all the power, energy and resources to Create Success.
Creating success starts with having and using the best information to create knowledge. Once we develop the skill of using concentration, we begin to do successful things. Once we learn how to use white-hot concentration with things we love, we begin to be successful. Our connection to the universe through our hearts gives us energy, intuition, inspiration and wisdom.
We are doing what we are supposed to be doing and truly love. We are inspired and have unlimited energy to sustain it. Our understanding and choices are good and produce good results. We live at peace and harmony. All our needs are taken care of, we can have whatever we want.
We are now living success. We are success.
Ron Pettell 2011-2018
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